Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Don't buy Reebok

So I don't know how many of you have seen the new Reebok commercial featuring woman's shoes to specifically tone a woman's butt. I think the commercial is so embarrassing. Once again we are objectifying women..classic. So I wrote Reebok's Customer Service an email:
I just wanted to write you and say how dissapointed I am that your newest advertisement for a woman's shoe (specifically designed to "tone your butt") objectifies women. In the commercial it focuses on her butt twice. I guess your marketing department assumes that women will want your product to tone their butts, but you use sexual objectification to attract women? I understand that sex sells but its almost hilarious your doing it for a women's shoe! I don't even have kids and it grosses me out. I'm in my mid twenties and work out often and I know now that I will never use your product and will go out of my way to tell others not to use your product either. It would be refreshing if a shoe company would actually sell shoes instead of resembling a rap video.


Anonymous said...

YES! go katy! i completely wholeheartedly agree.