Looking out of my window at the palm trees and sunny bright sky I am so captured by the beauty of nature. I never thought I'd enjoy the beauty of Florida as much as I have. Of course the white sand beaches and blue green water is obviously beautiful but I always missed the mossy creeks of Arkansas. My dad and I used to go on hikes every month to the Buffalo River and one time we decided to bushwack our way through the trail so we could make the trailhead before sundown. And we found this little pocket of ferns with a small stream running through in a crevice of a mountain. It was like one of those weird moments where you feel like you were the first person to ever see this sight. Like a scene out of a JRR Tolkein novel. I always go back to that moment and think it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. Its amazing how different beauty can be, even in the overgrown backyard of mine, the twisting vines...which David says are killing the trees but whatever! I never knew before living in Florida how noisy palm trees were. When its windy outside you can hear them creaking and crackling. I was informed that it was because they self prune by breaking off the dead branches in the wind. Its the same sound as someone chopping wood. For the rest of my life I think I'll be encountering these small moments in nature, the diversity of beauty, if I'm just willing to listen and see it.
7 months ago
that's beautiful katy! i could picture all the beauty through your eyes. makes me want to hear the palm trees. and i love your new look on the blog!
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