Sunday, April 26, 2009

Made me laugh

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The beast!

Sweet, I'm going to try to publish this from my phone & see if it works! I think it would be easier to post things from my phone bc I never remember things long enough to write them! Anyways, I wanted to post these pictures of Roman, my American pit bull terrier. I still crack up when I see people on the street see him and cross to the other side or comment as they approach him, 'is he nice?'. It's because as I'm walking him he is wagging his tail so hardhis body waves from side to side because he wants to lick them so bad and he's less harmful than a kitten. But I guess I can understand the stigma, or more like peoples ignorance. Nonetheless Roman is our resident 'love pig' and soaks up attention. You judge how intimidating our little pit is by these pictures :)

Monday, April 06, 2009

David's look a like!!

OK so a friend commented on my facebook page the other day that David looked like a guy on American Idol named Khris Allen. I never watch American Idol but was intrigued, and looked up some pictures of him. And I actually think they do look similar! In some pictures they look really similar but in others they look nothing the same. I think Kris Allen looks like David when he was younger. So I'll post similar pictures, let me know what you think!!