I have to plug this product, I just bought it yesterday and used it on Lily and Patches and it was amazing! This product is freaking fantastic. Its a pet brush with some special type of sharp blades that takes away the undercoat. It almost looked like I was shaving my animals. It works really well with long & short haired animals. Patches has white fur and its always everywhere! When I even pet her there's fur all over my hands and clothes. Lily is a corgi, which is basically a sheep dog. There are layers of fur on my tile floor all the time! If you have a pet I highly reccomend it. Its about $34 bucks and its a rather small brush but I assure you, as soon as you brush them once you see why. Seriously, you should go get one. And if you take delight in immediate results its also an enjoyable hobby! I haven't taken pictures of all the fur we got from Lily and Patches yet but here's some pictures of other examples. Its hilarious!
7 months ago
that is hilarious! I want to go buy one now for Snickerdoodle!
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