Monday, June 07, 2010

Global Prayer Cafe

(aka- Mission's Prayer Group)

 Katy Schmidt
6604 Glades Way
(941) 350-1115
*Needed supplies:
John Piper's book "Let the Nation's Be Glad"
God has revealed his heart for the nations all throughout the Bible- from Genesis to Revelation. God's heart desires that all may come to know him  from "every tribe tongue and nation". Global Prayer Cafe is an opportunity to partner with Bayside missions in prayer as well as provide an opportunity for fellowship & learning about other world religions and cultures.
The group will be on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm at Katy Schmidt's house. The group will be about an hour to an hour 15 minutes- half the time being prayer, and half the time will be watching videos/interactive stuff. 
-Gather together for fellowship while enjoying different ethnic foods from around the world!
-Learn about other world religions and how we can pray for them as well as opportunities to befriend those people in our community.
-Pray for Bayside's missionaries as well as other mission groups overseas.
-Enjoy a  multimedia experience by watching relevant mission's videos. 
-Reach out to Bayside missionaries through Skype calls or care packages


Anonymous said...

Great idea babe. I am so excited that your passion for God's outreach is so strong. Every day I am thankful for the many gifts you bring my life and I pray that the prayer cafe takes off faster than anyone could imaging.