So I don't know if its part of life's maturity process but I just feel more and more annoyed with things. Maybe its just this week but I have to say small things have started to get on my nerves. Now this is strange because I consider myself a laid back person...most things don't even bother me. So why now in life? Here's a few things that I have been recently annoyed about...
-Old people. Not the sweet, grandma type that we all know and love. But the old cranky mean type that like to cut you off without looking in their mirrors or drive 40 miles UNDER the speed limit while getting onto the highway...ARRGGG and I have to say in Florida you can't go a block without running into one either. Sorry granny, this is not YOU of course.
-Getting up early. I don't know if your a morning person or not but its soo difficult for me to wake up early. I thought I could do it since in high school I used to get up at like 5 am to open Kennedy Coffee with Jessa. But David and I are now carpooling since we have one car and he has to be at work by at least 7:15. So that means that we have to take showers, iron our clothes, walk the dogs, eat breakfast, guzzle coffee by 6:50 to get to work by 7:15. I hear it gets better the more you do it but I don't know if that applies to me.
-People that criticize church. I cant take it anymore! I have people in my life that say they don't like religion and start prattling off the history of opression in the Christian church/The Crusades/crapola and I feel like a broken record saying back, "Its not about religion, its about a relationship." I guess I'm the type of person people feel they can be honest with but hey, slow it down, and try it at leat once, then you can knock it all you want. But at least try. I don't criticize corned beef cause hey- I've never tried it.
-When people smoke around me. I don't care if people smoke, I used to. Its a bad habit but whatever, its your choice. But when they chain smoke in my face without any consideration to turn your head so I don't smell like an ashtray later annoys me. Please, if your going to smoke go right ahead, but please be curteous.
- The media REALLY annoys me. I can't even watch the news anymore, CNN or FOX without rolling my eyes. Its so out of control. These days its more about the font than it is about the integrity of the news. And global news is a joke. Always negative. David and I have a joke where if we do watch the news it always runs in a 3then 1 pattern. 3 bad peices of news for every 1 peice of good news. Watch and see. I think our country's mental recession comes from watching too much news and not really learning anything of substance.
Ok, so perhaps I am cynnical. Maybe because I got up early this morning and am only half way through my cup of coffee. After the first cup life seems to come more into focus. Blah I'm done.
7 months ago
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