Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Life Group!

This is our Life Group, a community group we attend at our new church Gulf Gate. Its lead by Valerie and Jason Gipe, a cool married couple. We are going to have a couple join us next week but this is our group so far!


Heidi said...

you suck! you are so tan!! :)
you get a new background by googling "blogger backgrounds" and I like pyzam the best. It's the same as myspace backgrounds. BUT realize that when you change your background w/ a NON-BLOGGER background it will take away all links, and anything else you customized on your page. I did it and lost all of my links to other pages. I found this background and decided to use it b/c of the bear on it (did you get it?) and I'll probably not change it or just write down all my links before doing anything. good luck!

Heidi said...

OK for pete's sake write another blog!!!

Katy said...

no one reads mine but YOU! :)